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Command line

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There are several command line switches in PNotes.NET:


1.-x - will close running PNotes.NET instance
2.-xs - will close running PNotes.NET instance saving all unsaved notes without prompt, if appropriate option - "Save all on exit" - is selected on Preferences window (General settings page)
3.-xn - will close running PNotes.NET instance without saving
4.-c - will create new note
5.-cr - will create new note from clipboard
6.-cd - will create or show today's Diary note
7.-cn - will create new note with text specified in first parameter, note's name - optional second parameter, note's tag(s), separated by comma - optional third parameter
8.-b - will create full backup file. Optional second parameter specifies the backup files directory. If omitted, the backup will be created in default directory
9.-r - will reload all notes
10. -l - will load note(s) from *.pnote file(s) supplied as second, third end so on parameter.
11. -exp - will export all/multiple notes to single file (PDF, TIF, DOC, RTF or TXT). The first parameter specifies the full path to file and is mandatory. Second and third parameters are optional and specify creation dates scope (start and end accordingly). Fourth and fifth parameters are optional and specify saving dates scope (start and end accordingly). If any dates scope specified in command line it will be used, even if other scope is specified at report configuration dialog. If program is password protected and running you will be prompted for password while executing command line with this switch. If program is password protected and not running - the command line with this switch will not be executed and such attempt will be written to program log file. In order to avoid possible dates formats conflicts, it's highly recommended to use the following date format with this switch: "dd MMM yyyy", e.g. "09 Sep 2015".
1.-nonetwork - will start PNotes.NET without support for notes exchange over local network
12.-nonetwork - will start PNotes.NET without support for notes exchange over local network
13.-nosplash - prevents splash screen appearance on program start
14.-conf, -config - allows to define a number of paths in following order:
14.1.Settings database directory path
14.2.Data database directory path
14.3.Skins files directory path
14.4.Backup files directory path
14.5.Language files directory path
14.6.Sound files directory path
14.7.Fonts files directory path
14.8.Spell checker dictionaries files directory path
14.9.Social networks plugins files directory path
14.10.Custom color themes directory path


In case of empty string the default path will be used. If there is no such directory, the new one will be created.


15.-confnonetwork, -confignonetwork - the same as -conf or -config, but without network support



"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -xs

"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -cn "This is the text of note"

"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -b "C:\PnotesBackups"

"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -conf "C:\Documents and Settings\Configuration"

"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -conf "" "C:\Documents and Settings\PNotesData" "" "" "" "C:\Documents and Settings\PNotesFonts"

"C:\PNotes.NET\PNotes.NET.exe" -exp "C:\PNotes.NET\backup\notes.pdf" "20 Jun 2015" "23 Aug 2015"