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Following options can be set on this page:

Notes look, either skinnable or skinless - select appropriate radio button
Program's color theme - select your preferred theme
Settings of groups appearance:
Common group font (include color and size)
Common group background color (in skinless mode)
Common group caption font (in skinless mode)
Common group icon
Common group skin (in skinnable mode)
Additional setting of Diary group:
Whether to add weekday name to note's name - check/uncheck appropriate check box (default value is False)
Full weekday name - check/uncheck appropriate check box (default value is False)
Add weekday name at the end of note's name - check/uncheck appropriate check box (default value is False)
Do not show diary "pages" from previous dates in "Diary" menu - check/uncheck appropriate check box (default value is False)
Ascending sort of pages in "Diary" menu (starting from earliest) - check/uncheck appropriate check box (default value is False)
Number of diary "pages" shown in "Diary" menu - select desired value in appropriate field (default value is 7)
Date format using for naming of notes belong to "Diary" group - select desired format in appropriate combo box (default value is "MMMM dd, yyyy", e.g. "March 17, 2013")
Additional settings of skinless docked notes:
Width and height of skinless docked notes - default value is 256x256


After clicking on addplus button, the program will search for new themes/updates and prompt you to download them:

